Fatal car crashes are way more likely with teens behind the wheel—but is inexperience really to blame? (Popular Science, September 13th, 2019)
Slower working memory in adolescence associated with motor vehicle crashes (MedicalResearch.com, September 13th, 2019)
Do teen drivers crash more because they’re reckless – or is it their brains? (The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 13th, 2019)
Teenage drivers may crash more because their memories are ‘underdeveloped’ and not as good at multi-tasking or spotting hazards, study claims (Daily Mail, September 13th, 2019)
Opinion: Students should learn from the Hong Kong protestors (The State Press (Arizona State University), September 13th, 2019)
Civics survey: 1 In 5 Americans can’t name single branch of U.S. government (Study Finds, September 12th, 2019)
Americans know more about civics, but numbers still ‘dismally’ low, researchers say (Education Week, September 12th, 2019)
Opinion: Before I became a judge, baseball made me a part of my community after moving from Puerto Rico (The Philadelphia Inquirer, September 12th, 2019)
Facebook wants to fight teen suicide. Experts aren’t sure they’re doing it right (MIT Technology Review, September 11th, 2019)
Trump again said he helped at ground zero immediately following the 9/11 attacks (USA Today, September 11th, 2019)
The Bill of Rights turns 230, and what do we have to show for it? Nothing good (The Rutherford Institute, September 10th, 2019)
Is there still a chance digital innovation can improve democracy? (Literary Hub, September 6th, 2019)
Democrat O’Rourke presses U.S. social media companies to combat disinformation (Reuters, September 6th, 2019)
Fact check: Trump’s inaccurate Hurricane Dorian forecast [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 6th, 2019)
Donald Trump tweets ‘8 FACTS’ about climate change as 2020 Democrats hold CNN town hall on it (Daily Mail, September 4th, 2019)
How our obsession with entertainment has trivialized the presidential primary debates (The Boston Globe, September 4th, 2019)