Is civic education about civics? New RAND survey suggests teachers think not. (Forbes, October 5th, 2022)
Covid-19 vaccine has no effect on sperm, study says, addresses ‘mass male infertility’ claims (Forbes, June 21st, 2021)
Covid-19 vaccine magnet challenge: Videos claim magnets stick to arms after vaccination (Forbes, May 18th, 2021)
The truth behind Tucker Carlson’s claims about Covid-19 vaccine deaths and the government’s VAERS database (Forbes, May 12th, 2021)
Do we need to fix Americans’ Social Security knowledge? Placing a survey into context (Forbes, April 20th, 2021)
The storming of Congress reminds us that educated citizens are freedom’s only true safeguard (Forbes, January 7th, 2021)
With malice toward none: The role of civics education in the 2020 election (Forbes, November 10th, 2020)
Republicans use tech antitrust hearing to rail against ‘anti-conservative bias’ (Forbes, July 29th, 2020)