Childhood vaccines: What research shows about their safety and side effects (Journalist's Resource, February 26th, 2025)
Routine childhood vaccinations and changing school requirements: A primer and research roundup (Journalist's Resource, August 20th, 2024)
Trusting science leaves people vulnerable to believing pseudoscience, new research finds (Journalist's Resource, August 3rd, 2021)
Reporting on scientific failures and holding the science community accountable: 5 tips for journalists (Journalist's Resource, June 8th, 2021)
By changing their framing of scientific failures and discoveries, journalists can bolster trust in science: New research (Journalist's Resource, May 27th, 2021)
Election Beat 2020: How news outlets become misinformation superspreaders (Journalist's Resource, October 27th, 2020)
US presidential debates: 3 studies journalists should know about (Journalist's Resource, September 22nd, 2020)
Covering COVID-19 and the coronavirus: 5 tips from a Harvard epidemiology professor (Journalist's Resource, March 6th, 2020)
Newspaper coverage of celebrity suicides falls short of expert guidelines (Journalist's Resource, November 1st, 2019)
Journalists perpetuate myth about suicide during winter holidays (Journalist's Resource, December 14th, 2018)