“The King Of Whoppers”: Fact checkers call out Trump’s year of misstatements and lies (Media Matters for America, December 22nd, 2015)
Post-debate fact checks call out Republican candidates for false claims on immigration and refugees (Media Matters for America, December 16th, 2015)
Guide to myths about Syrian refugees in the wake of the terror attacks in Paris (Media Matters for America, November 24th, 2015)
Fox Business opens GOP undercard debate by pushing debunked unemployment myth (Media Matters for America, November 10th, 2015)
FactCheck.org debunks deceptively edited video smearing Planned Parenthood (Media Matters for America, July 22nd, 2015)
NPR’s Morning Edition Repeats GOP Spin About Cory Gardner’s Positions On Reproductive Rights (Media Matters for America, October 30th, 2014)
New Fox Poll Reflects Its Misleading Coverage Of ACA Exemption Issue (Media Matters for America, October 31st, 2013)