Scientists expect COVID-19 to become endemic, but a new report stresses the U.S. is far from the ‘next normal’ (Philly Voice, March 9th, 2022)
Megachurches in U.S. are supporting Ukraine relief, contrary to social media posts (, March 9th, 2022)
A debunked conspiracy theory about US bio-weapons laboratories in Ukraine was seized on by Russian and Chinese media outlets (Insider, March 9th, 2022)
There is no evidence that the Covid-19 booster vaccine causes “exhaustion” of the immune system [Spanish] (Univision, March 6th, 2022)
Fact check: Phony images masquerading as CNN coverage go viral amid war in Ukraine (, March 5th, 2022)
Over a third vaccinated-but-unboosted adults have reservations about vaccinating children ( (Australia), March 3rd, 2022)