Why it’s easy to misinterpret numbers of deaths among the vaccinated (The Washington Informer, November 1st, 2021)
It is false that Biden’s vaccination mandate does not include White House employees [Spanish] (Univision, November 1st, 2021)
Right-wing media and the pandemic: A toxic feedback loop that nurtured fascism (Salon, November 1st, 2021)
Penn centers develop guide about COVID-19 treatment and prevention (The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 31st, 2021)
COVID now a ‘major cause of death’ in kids but many parents remain hesitant on vaccine (Newsweek, October 27th, 2021)
Penn survey finds heavy users of conservative media would take unapproved COVID-19 drug (The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 25th, 2021)
Partisan explanations for flight cancellations lack evidence [Spanish] (Alianza News, October 25th, 2021)
Annenberg study finds that vaccine mandates likely promote higher vaccination rates (The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 25th, 2021)