Ongoing clinical trials will decide if ivermectin is (or not) safe and effective against COVID-19 [Spanish] (Chicago Salud, October 1st, 2021)
Fact Check. Are Covid-19 vaccines causing new cases of cancer? [Portuguese] (Observador (Portugal), September 30th, 2021)
Australian defamation ruling threatens media companies (Columbia Journalism Review, September 30th, 2021)
It is false that the US changed the definition of a pandemic and covid-19 does not classify [Spanish] (Univision, September 29th, 2021)
Can you receive unemployment benefits if a company fires you for not wanting to get vaccinated? [Spanish] (Univision, September 27th, 2021)
All in favor of teaching civics in Wisconsin high schools, say aye — ‘Aye!’ (The Journal Times, September 26th, 2021)
COVID-19: 11 ways to differentiate real, fake news about pandemic – opinion (The Jerusalem Post, September 22nd, 2021)