Hospitals overwhelmed by another surge of COVID-19 patients, financial strain (The Atlanta Voice, August 18th, 2021)
Did the Afghan leaders flee? Was there no will to fight? We checked Biden’s speech on the fall of Afghanistan [Spanish] (Univision, August 17th, 2021)
Post offers misleading advice on mandatory vaccines and unemployment benefits (Alianza News, August 17th, 2021)
They regret not getting the vaccine — and became social media evangelists for the shot (The Washington Post, August 12th, 2021)
The CDC’s pregnancy guidance brings vaccine data deficits full term (Poynter - Factually Newsletter, August 12th, 2021)
Republicans take aim at Fauci and masks to rile up their radical base. It’s not a 50-plus-1 strategy (Daily Kos, August 11th, 2021)
Larry Elder’s outspoken conservative radio rhetoric is under scrutiny in recall election (The Los Angeles Times, August 10th, 2021)