Middle-school students in New Jersey will be required to take civics (The Philadelphia Inquirer, August 1st, 2021)
It is false that insurers do not pay the life policies of those vaccinated who die, as an Instagram post says [Spanish] (Univision, July 30th, 2021)
It is false that half of federal health employees are not vaccinated against covid-19 [Spanish] (Univision, July 30th, 2021)
‘The war has changed’: Internal CDC document urges new messaging, warns delta infections likely more severe (The Washington Post, July 29th, 2021)
Critical thinking can prevent pseudoscience from spreading during the pandemic [Indonesian] (Kompas.com (Indonesia), July 28th, 2021)
Laura Wooten’s Law will require civics to be taught in middle school (Central Jersey, July 27th, 2021)