Are vaccines an “experimental gene therapy” and do not immunize? We verified the video of the Texas doctor circulating on the networks [Sp.] (Univision, April 12th, 2021)
It’s #FAKE that photo of reporter with coveralls and unprotected cameraman reveals Covid-19 scam propagated by the media [Po.] (, April 12th, 2021)
Has Bill Gates proposed to kill millions of people with the use of vaccines? [Sp.] (Univision, April 11th, 2021)
Do vaccines against covid-19 affect pregnancy, fertility or breastfeeding? We give you new data [Sp.] (Univision, April 9th, 2021)
Fact Check: Viral posts misuse VAERS data to make false claims about COVID-19 vaccines [Sp.] (KCRA-TV (Sacramento, CA), April 8th, 2021) and Univision Noticias funded by Google to address COVID misinformation (University of Pennsylvania Almanac, April 6th, 2021)