Conservative media consumers more likely to believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories, study finds (The Wrap, May 4th, 2021)
Anxiety caused dozens of vaccine reactions; Belief in conspiracies linked to conservative and social media (, May 4th, 2021)
Biden’s cautious stance on the bin Laden raid a decade ago tells us how he might handle a crisis now (CNN Opinion, May 1st, 2021)
The importance of political literacy in an increasingly illiterate age (Catholic University's The Tower, April 29th, 2021)
Factually: Fact-checkers have the answers to Joe Rogan’s vaccine hesitancy (Poynter, April 29th, 2021)
MSNBC and CNN anchors perpetuate lies about Operation Warp Speed, refuse to give Trump due credit (The Federalist, April 29th, 2021)