Are reports to the system that receive notifications of adverse reactions proof that vaccines are not safe? [Sp.] (Univision, April 20th, 2021)
Trustees: Purdue to add civics literacy requirement for incoming class, option for all students (Purdue University, April 19th, 2021)
To vaccinate more Latino Philadelphians, community-led clinics are key [Opinion] (The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 19th, 2021)
Vaccine hesitancy is increasing among Gen Z. Targeted public health messaging can help, experts say. (, April 19th, 2021)
LA Congressman Steve Scalise promotes born-alive abortion bill. Is it necessary? (Big Easy Magazine, April 17th, 2021)
Educators and historians want politics kept out of new history and civics initiative (Argus Leader, April 13th, 2021)
Are vaccines an “experimental gene therapy” and do not immunize? We verified the video of the Texas doctor circulating on the networks [Sp.] (Univision, April 12th, 2021)