Trump attacks Al Schmidt, GOP Philadelphia election chief who said ‘not a single’ dead person voted (Newsweek, November 11th, 2020)
Trump attempting a coup with Republican support doesn’t have to work to be dangerous (Teen Vogue, November 10th, 2020)
With malice toward none: The role of civics education in the 2020 election (Forbes, November 10th, 2020)
‘It’s a big deal’: TV coverage notes magnitude of Kamala Harris victory (The New York Times, November 7th, 2020)
Interrupting broadcast, fact-checking Trump: Can local networks do it, too? ( (Philippines)News Coverage, November 7th, 2020)
False rumors spread that “a mechanically manufactured Biden vote was found in a mail-in ballot” (Yahoo! Japan, November 6th, 2020)
Voter fraud claims: What we know about counts in Arizona, Michigan and Wisconsin (Newsweek, November 5th, 2020)
Coronavirus cases exceed 100,000 in one day for the first time, even as the nation is split on the pandemic vs. the economy (The Washington Post, November 4th, 2020)
Why did Trump leave the Paris Agreement? What you need to know about the climate pact (Cosmopolitan, November 4th, 2020)