These are the lawsuits that could not be proven by Trump’s lawyers in court (Univision, November 24th, 2020)
Conservatives spread false claim Biden invented ‘office’ of the president-elect (The Hill, November 23rd, 2020)
Ad Council’s challenge: Persuade skeptics to believe in Covid vaccines (The New York Times, November 23rd, 2020)
Fact Check: What to know about Trump’s post-election legal challenges (WESH 2 News, November 20th, 2020)
Pfizer to seek FDA approval for vaccine as Trump takes credit (Las Vegas Review-Journal, November 20th, 2020)
Get the facts on President-elect Biden’s claim about administration stonewalling jeopardizing lives (KCRA-TV (Sacramento, CA), November 20th, 2020)
Netflix series may not be linked to high US suicide rates ( (India), November 20th, 2020)
’13 Reasons Why’ web series may not be linked to high US suicide rates (Prokerala (India), November 19th, 2020)