No, Clorox and Lysol did not ‘already’ know about the new coronavirus outbreak (97.9 WLWT (Baltimore, MD), February 10th, 2020)
Annenberg’s debunks several viral coronavirus conspiracy theories (The Daily Pennsylvanian, February 10th, 2020)
Pelosi clashes with Facebook and Twitter over video posted by Trump (The New York Times, February 8th, 2020)
It’s hard to understand Trump supporters’ willingness to excuse his blatant falsehoods (MinnPost, February 6th, 2020)
Trump’s State of the Union carnival meets Pelosi’s speech-ripping (The New Yorker, February 5th, 2020)
State of the Union: President Trump stretched and distorted facts about economy, jobs (USA Today, February 5th, 2020)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson: National Academy of Sciences Public Welfare Medal (University of Pennsylvania Almanac, February 4th, 2020)