Students encouraged to register now for 2020 Wisconsin Civics Games (The Cap Times (Madison, WI), November 1st, 2019)
Newspaper coverage of celebrity suicides falls short of expert guidelines (Journalist's Resource, November 1st, 2019)
Fact-checking Trump’s 9/11 and Iraq claims [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, November 1st, 2019)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson discusses PROSE awards, publishing and politics (Association of American Publishers, October 31st, 2019)
Gorsuch, Sotomayor boost 2nd Circuit efforts to engage communities, revive civic education (, October 31st, 2019)
Opinion: More Americans need to actually read the Constitution (Washington Examiner, October 30th, 2019)
‘Dear Evan Hansen’ tells a fictional story of suicide. But its actors field messages from very real people in crisis (STAT, October 29th, 2019)