Registration open for 2020 Wisconsin Civics Games; $2K scholarship up for grabs (The Journal Times, September 22nd, 2019)
Warren’s presidential campaign is taking selfies to a new political level (Newsday, September 22nd, 2019)
Lack of knowledge puts us at risk of forfeiting our democratic republic (The Messenger (Madisonville, KY), September 21st, 2019)
Fact check: Trump’s tweets on Ilhan Omar [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, September 19th, 2019)
New study reveals that one-fifth of Americans cannot name even one of the branches of government (The Blaze, September 19th, 2019)
Sand: Failing education, lawsuits and parental choice (California Political Review, September 19th, 2019)