Presidential candidate Marianne Williamson, like opponent Andrew Yang, wants to give every adult $1,000 per month (CNBC, August 21st, 2019)
A new comic book explains how government, democracy work (Seven Days (Burlington, VT), August 21st, 2019)
Young people are hungering for conversation, even on difficult matters (New England Board of Higher Education, August 21st, 2019)
Extreme weather galvanizes believers of climate change but doesn’t persuade skeptics (Cronkite News, August 19th, 2019)
Fact Check: Warren, Harris wrong on Michael Brown [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, August 16th, 2019)
New graphic FDA warnings aim to scare smokers with the consequences of their habit (Popular Science, August 16th, 2019)