How a single poll question illustrates America’s divide over Trump and Russia (, February 13th, 2019)
These misleading images got more engagement on Facebook than their fact checks (Poynter, February 13th, 2019)
Volunteers have been trying to discourage suicides on a bridge in the USA for several years. Especially on Valentine’s Day [Russian] (TJournal (Russia), February 13th, 2019)
Editorial: Nebraska should give a needed boost to civics education (Omaha World-Herald, February 13th, 2019)
Trump repeats false claim about El Paso crime, this time in El Paso (The New York Times, February 12th, 2019)
Fact Check: Trump’s El Paso border wall claims [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, February 11th, 2019)
Penn professor’s book on Russian collusion in 2016 election wins prestigious prize (The Daily Pennsylvanian, February 11th, 2019)
Editorial: We don’t know enough of our own history (The Volante (University of South Dakota), February 10th, 2019)