American Assoc. of Publishers announces 2019 PROSE Award category winners (Publishing Perspectives, January 31st, 2019)
Fact-checkers adapt to heightened combat, facing politicians who are repeating lies and pushing back (American Press Institute, January 29th, 2019)
‘We’re flying blind.’ The shutdown is making it harder for economists to understand the shutdown (TIME, January 29th, 2019)
Reps. Woodall and Hastings introduce bi-partisan legislation to bolster K-12 education (U.S. Congressman Rob Woodall, January 29th, 2019)
Alarming number of Americans think climate-change deniers deserve to get hit by natural disasters, survey finds (Earther, January 28th, 2019)
Fact Check: Trump’s ‘catch and release’ statistic [video] (State of the Union with Jake Tapper, CNN, January 25th, 2019)