Constitution 101: ‘Lest We Fall Apart’: An uneducated populace is a grave threat to liberty (Forbes, August 21st, 2023)
Kathleen Hall Jamieson on civics education and bridging political divides (C-SPAN, August 20th, 2023)
There is no proof that autism is caused by vaccines or that it doesn’t affect older adults, as Robert Kennedy Jr. has said [Spanish] (Univision, August 19th, 2023)
DeSantis ‘shuts down’ question of how he would handle his kids being LGBTQ: ‘We’ll leave that between my wife and I’ (The New Civil Rights Movement, August 16th, 2023)
Editorial: Campaign rhetoric on deficit can’t be normalized (Williamsport Sun-Gazette (PA), August 15th, 2023)
Education on approval process may increase acceptance of new RSV vaccines (HealthDay, August 14th, 2023)