Barr: Ignorance And Hyper-Partisanship Create Perfect Storm For Political Violence (The Daily Caller, October 24th, 2023)
Rendell Center awarded Annenberg Civics Prize to produce First Amendment videos (The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 24th, 2023)
Experiencing record-breaking heat days affects perception of weather trends (Penn Today, October 20th, 2023)
Opinion: Republicans are saying ‘hell no’ to Jim Jordan. Let’s hope it stays that way. (USA Today, October 18th, 2023)
Get The Facts: Misinformation about the Israel, Hamas war [video] (KCRA-TV (Sacramento, CA), October 16th, 2023)
Flu vaccine ingredients are safe, contrary to what a misleading meme suggests [Spanish] ( [Spanish], October 14th, 2023)