Should you post your kids online? Plus, testing your civics knowledge & the host of ‘On Point’ [audio] (WHYY, September 20th, 2023)
Want a Constitution refresher? Read ex Tennessee Attorney General Paul Summers’ columns (The Tennessean, September 19th, 2023)
Biden’s double whammy: Impeachment inquiry, son’s legal woes (The Christian Science Monitor, September 18th, 2023)
Constitutional confusion: Survey reveals Americans woefully uninformed about their own rights (Study Finds, September 18th, 2023)
Editorial: On Constitution Day, a call to emphasize civics education and understanding (Virginian-Pilot, September 16th, 2023)
Many don’t know key facts about U.S. Constitution, Annenberg civics study finds (Penn Today, September 15th, 2023)
22% of Americans think First Amendment protects gun rights, says poll released before Constitution Day (ABA Journal, September 15th, 2023)