Study: 2017 rise in teen suicide rates due to seasonal shifts, not ’13 Reasons Why’ (Ars Technica, December 20th, 2022)
Biden called out by fact checkers for dubious story about ‘Uncle Frank’ and a Purple Heart (Mediaite, December 20th, 2022)
Myth that suicides peak during the holidays could cause harm (Suicide Prevention Resource Center, December 16th, 2022)
Sikkenga: This Bill of Rights Day, let’s honor the part of the Constitution that enshrines our God-given rights (The Daily Caller, December 15th, 2022)
Fact-Check: Blood transfusion doesn’t transfer COVID-19 Vaccine (Media Bias/Fact Check, December 14th, 2022)
At Engaging Minds, three Penn Integrates Knowledge Professors take the stage (Penn Today, December 13th, 2022)