Philly City Council becomes hotbed of anti-vaccination, masking misinformation (KYW Newsradio (Philadelphia), February 18th, 2023)
The absorbent pill inside the pregnancy tests is not a ‘hidden morning-after pill’ [Spanish] (Hoy en Delaware, February 18th, 2023)
Opinion: Our economy depends on investment in civic literacy (Sacramento Business Journal, February 16th, 2023)
Parents, wake up: Your kids aren’t your friends, and neither are their screens (The Washington Times, February 15th, 2023)
This story about a Detroit woman & her attack squirrels is fake (WGRD 97.9 (Grand Rapids, MI), February 13th, 2023)
Get the Facts: President Biden’s State of the Union address [video] (KCRA-TV (Sacramento, CA), February 10th, 2023)
Fact checkers call out Biden’s State of the Union claims about the deficit as ‘misleading,’ ‘lacking context’ (FOX News, February 8th, 2023)