Judge joins effort to revive civics education and (maybe) democracy itself (Across Pennsylvania Patch, September 6th, 2022)
Prominent doctor faces backlash amid ‘fight over the heart of public health’ (The Boston Globe, September 1st, 2022)
Farewell Dr. Fauci: How the right turned a national hero into a villain in service of Donald Trump (Salon, August 31st, 2022)
Dinesh D’Souza ‘2000 Mules’ book suddenly recalled over ‘significant error’ (Newsweek, August 30th, 2022)
It is false that the polio virus was detected in New York tap water, as has circulated on social media [Spanish] (Univision, August 27th, 2022)
MPX? Mpox? The struggle to replace ‘monkeypox’ with a name that isn’t racist (The Los Angeles Times, August 26th, 2022)