Penn Law professor co-leads report on Guantánamo Bay closure, prompting Congressional meetings (The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 4th, 2022)
Misinformation drives low child COVID vaccination rates, Penn study finds (The Philadelphia Inquirer, October 3rd, 2022)
Better politics, smarter government: Renewed focus on civics education is critical for American democracy (The Southern Illinoisan, September 27th, 2022)
All the news that’s fit: Music’s mellowness, COVID stats and coma-ending tunes (San Diego Union-Tribune, September 27th, 2022)
Ideas we should steal: State seal of civic engagement (The Philadelphia Citizen, September 27th, 2022)
Illinois law doesn’t ‘eliminate all restrictions on abortions,’ contrary to ad from advocacy group (, September 26th, 2022)