Annenberg film and annual civics survey highlights freedom of speech (Penn Today, September 15th, 2022)
Targeting impulsivity early in adolescence could prevent later behavioral disorders (Penn Today, August 17th, 2022)
Despite awareness of COVID-19 risks, many Americans say they’re back to ‘normal’ (Penn Today, August 12th, 2022)
1 in 5 Americans fears getting monkeypox, but many know little about it (Penn Today, August 1st, 2022)
Drivers licensed at 18 crash more than younger drivers with driver training (Penn Today, May 4th, 2022)
Belief in vaccination misinformation predicts attitudes toward vaccinating children (Penn Today, March 11th, 2022)
Claire Finkelstein discusses Ukraine, NATO, and U.S. ethics and cybersecurity (Penn Today, March 1st, 2022)