Debating Trump: Whatever happened to civility in politics? (The Christian Science Monitor, March 4th, 2016)
Young Sanders supporters: What if Clinton wins the nomination? (The Christian Science Monitor, February 8th, 2016)
How Ben Carson became leader in war against ‘political correctness’ (The Christian Science Monitor, November 5th, 2015)
Jeb Bush vs. Marco Rubio: Can the friendly tone last? (The Christian Science Monitor, June 19th, 2015)
Why Michigan wants to make reading the U.S. Constitution mandatory (The Christian Science Monitor, May 20th, 2015)
To get their diploma, Arizona students must pass citizenship test (The Christian Science Monitor, January 16th, 2015)
How much film violence for kids? Parents losing their compass, study says (The Christian Science Monitor, October 20th, 2014)
Obama: We underestimated Islamic State extremists (+video (The Christian Science Monitor, September 28th, 2014)