Barr: Ignorance And Hyper-Partisanship Create Perfect Storm For Political Violence (The Daily Caller, October 24th, 2023)
Sikkenga: This Bill of Rights Day, let’s honor the part of the Constitution that enshrines our God-given rights (The Daily Caller, December 15th, 2022)
Washington Post only fact checks Republicans after first day of impeachment hearings (The Daily Caller, November 14th, 2019)
Trump campaign’s new 2020 ad promotes misleading claim about immigration (The Daily Caller, November 4th, 2019)
Fact check: Do illegal immigrants have no rights under the Constitution? (The Daily Caller, September 15th, 2017)
Sanders says it’s ‘pretty dumb’ not to use Harvey to discuss climate change (The Daily Caller, September 1st, 2017)
Pope’s climate message isn’t resonating among conservatives, study finds (The Daily Caller, October 25th, 2016)
CNN’s Tapper calls out Clinton for emails lies: You’re not entitled ‘to your own facts’ (The Daily Caller, August 5th, 2016)
9/11 Commission Warns US Unprepared For A Possible ‘Cyber-Pearl Harbor’ (The Daily Caller, July 23rd, 2014)