Study finds people are more likely to trust election polls that support favored candidates (The Daily Pennsylvanian, November 19th, 2019)
Annenberg professor calls on scientists to be more transparent in their research (The Daily Pennsylvanian, October 2nd, 2019)
This new club lets Penn students teach civics and government in local schools (The Daily Pennsylvanian, September 22nd, 2019)
Annenberg study shows people misperceive their proximity to energy sites (The Daily Pennsylvanian, September 22nd, 2019)
Annenberg study reveals American civic knowledge is low, despite improvements (The Daily Pennsylvanian, September 17th, 2019)
Penn study finds watching full second season of ’13 Reasons Why’ may decrease suicide risk (The Daily Pennsylvanian, April 28th, 2019)
Annenberg study finds adolescents are not naturally predisposed to risk-taking (The Daily Pennsylvanian, April 1st, 2019)
Penn professor’s book on Russian collusion in 2016 election wins prestigious prize (The Daily Pennsylvanian, February 11th, 2019)
Marijuana use among teens does not lead to behavioral problems, Annenberg study finds (The Daily Pennsylvanian, November 29th, 2018)