Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump made some inaccurate claims during the NBC forum (The Huffington Post, September 8th, 2016)
No, Obama did not ban the Pledge of Allegiance in public schools (The Huffington Post, September 2nd, 2016)
Fox News won’t stop linking Hillary Clinton to birther claims (The Huffington Post, August 26th, 2016)
Donald Trump is wrong – Police shootings are not at a record level (The Huffington Post, August 6th, 2016)
Trump’s claim that Clinton wants presidential debates on NFL game nights is totally baseless (The Huffington Post, August 2nd, 2016)
Hey, Donald Trump, we know plenty about Hillary Clinton’s religion (The Huffington Post, June 22nd, 2016)
Donald Trump distorted lots of facts when speaking about the Orlando shooting (The Huffington Post, June 14th, 2016)