Here’s what we know so far about voter fraud and the 2016 elections (The Los Angeles Times, October 26th, 2016)
Donald Trump has turned to scorched-earth campaigning. It could affect a lot more than the election (The Los Angeles Times, October 15th, 2016)
The debate might be the nominees’ last big chance to sway voters. Here’s how they’re preparing for it. (The Los Angeles Times, September 23rd, 2016)
The media have finally figured out how to handle Donald Trump (The Los Angeles Times, June 12th, 2016)
Campaign shocker: New York tabloids still have influence in presidential race (The Los Angeles Times, April 13th, 2016)
These Republicans know the presidency shouldn’t be reality TV. But they’ll vote for Trump anyway (The Los Angeles Times, March 23rd, 2016)