One year, two races: Inside the Republican Party’s bizarre, tumultuous 2015 (The Washington Post, January 3rd, 2016)
Ted Cruz’s claim that he has ‘never supported legalization’ of undocumented immigrants (The Washington Post, December 18th, 2015)
Democrats’ misleading claims about closing the no-fly list ‘loophole’ (The Washington Post, December 11th, 2015)
President Obama’s right: Americans might be growing numb to mass shootings. Here’s why. (The Washington Post, December 3rd, 2015)
Will Trump eventually cross a line — or do the lines no longer exist? (The Washington Post, November 25th, 2015)
Why the media struggles to deal with Donald Trump’s race-baiting (The Washington Post, November 23rd, 2015)
Rand Paul’s claim that cities and states led by Democrats have the worst income inequality (The Washington Post, November 20th, 2015)