What do Trump voters expect from Donald Trump and how has he been doing in his first month as president-elect? Following Trump’s surprise November 8 victory, veteran pollster Peter D. Hart and his team at Hart Research Associates will be conducting a focus group to ask these questions of Trump voters in Cleveland on December 13.
The goal of this focus group is to “understand why Trump voters supported him, how they evaluate his month as President-elect, and what their expectations and measuring rods are for his presidency,” Hart says. The group members also will discuss their opinions on a range of issues and what kinds of legislation they expect on these issues from Congress and President-elect Trump.
Hart notes that “our Annenberg focus groups throughout the last 22 months told us clearly that this year would be different and a change election.” This final focus group seeks to provide a “retrospective look from the voters on the 2016 election campaign, the candidates, and the issues.”
The focus group is the eighth in the “Voices of the Voters” series for the 2015-2016 election cycle, an ongoing project run by Hart for the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Previous sessions were conducted in North Carolina in October 2016, Wisconsin in August 2016, Pennsylvania in June 2016, Missouri in April 2016, Columbus, Ohio, in December 2015, Indiana in October 2015, and Colorado in January 2015.
For more information on the focus group, which will be live-streamed and later available online, contact Hart Surveys.