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APPC Health Communication Scholars Published in AIDS and Behavior

Michael Hennessy, research analysis manager at the Annenberg Public Policy Center, was lead author of a paper, “Differentiating between precursor and control variables when analyzing reasoned action theoriesm,” co-written with APPC’s Amy Bleakley, Martin Fishbein, and Dan Romer, and colleagues Larry Brown (Brown University), Ralph DiClemente and Laura Salazar (Emory University), Robert Valois (University of

Electing the President, 2008, now available

Since 1992 the Annenberg Public Policy Center has held presidential election debriefings gathering top Republican and Democratic campaign strategists to offer their insights following Election Day. Now APPC has released Electing the President, 2008 (Penn Press), its third debriefing book sharing insider analysis captured at the event. Unlike earlier books, a DVD featuring selected video is

Priya Nalkur published in Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies

An article by Priya G. Nalkur, Ph.D., a postdoctoral fellow at APPC’s Annenberg Center for Advanced Study in Communication, was published in the journal Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies (December 2009). Nalkur’s research with Tanzanian street children, former street children, and school-going children sheds light on the possible role of rehabilitative care in positively shifting

APPC Hosts Focus Group of Philadelphia-Area Voters

On November 30, APPC hosted a focus group of 11 voters from the Philadelphia area moderated by veteran pollster Peter Hart. During the two-hour discussion the group members – a mix of Republican, Democratic and independent voters – expressed concerns over the economy and the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, among other issues facing the

Holiday-Suicide Link: The Myth Persists

Despite the Annenberg Public Policy Center’s nine-year effort to debunk the connection, newspapers continue to perpetuate the myth that suicides rise during the end-of-year holiday period. According to an analysis of news reporting during last year’s (2008-09) holiday period, the proportion of stories that supported the myth remained at approximately the same level as during