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Leonore Annenberg scholarship program announces new award recipients

The Leonore Annenberg Scholarship and School Funds, a three-part, 10-year philanthropic initiative that offers grants and scholarships to students, artists and schools across the nation, today announced $2.5 million dollars of commitment to the education of five students from Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, Houston, and rural Vermont; four performing and visual artists from the

Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics Receives Multiple Honors

Two films on the making of laws – How a Bill Becomes a Federal Law and Presidential Signing Statements ­– have received 2009 Bronze Telly Awards in the education category. The films were developed by the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics (LAIC), a multimedia civics education program administered by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, to

NASY data indicate no negative relationship between Facebook use and grades for high school or college students

Recent news reports that stated the use of the social networking site, Facebook, hurts students’ grades in school are contradicted by recent results from the National Annenberg Survey of Youth (NASY) and previous data collected by Eszter Hargittai of Northwestern University. Results were published in the online journal, First Monday, after a fast-tracked peer-review process.