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Kerry’s Standing Improves in Battleground States After His Positive TV Ads

Since John Kerry began showing positive biographical television ads about himself in early May, he appears to have reversed a slide in public impressions of him in the battleground states, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. In the 20 states which both presidential campaigns consider tight enough to warrant spending on television

The Internet as a Source of Campaign Information: An Analysis of its use in the 2004 Democratic Presidential Primary Campaign

The Internet has become an established tool for campaign learning and information. In the 2004 presidential campaign, each candidate has employed his/her own Web Site and most had accompanying Weblogs to compete with other online and off-line sources of campaign information. Using data from the 2004 National Annenberg Election Survey (NAES04), this research seeks to

The Impact of Events on Bush Approval: A Time-Series Analysis Using 2004 National Annenberg Election Survey Data

Political scientists generally reject the idea that discrete events like tactical campaign strategies or widely-covered media events exert any meaningful influence upon mass public opinion. In teasing out the forces that affect presidential approval, social scientists have traditionally looked to factors like demographic characteristics and economic indicators for explanations of change. Communication scholars, on the

Young People Watch More Late Night Television

For years political consultants have argued that late-night comedy shows play a central role in defining presidents and presidential candidates for the American public, but the biggest audience for those programs comes from those least likely to vote – Americans 18 to 29, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Interviews with 26,491