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The Second Annual Annenberg Public Policy Center’s Conference on Children and Television: A Summary

On June 9, 1997, the Annenberg Public Policy Center held its second annual Conference on Children and Television at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. The conference is part of APPC’s ongoing commitment to monitor the state of children’s programming by recognizing noteworthy efforts and achievements in the development and distribution of quality children’s

The 1997 State of Children’s Television Report: Programming for Children Over Broadcast and Cable Television

The research presented in this report represents the second year of a five-year effort initiated by APPC. The research reflects a continuing interest in measuring the availability of high-quality children’s programs, identifying the obstacles confronting producers and broadcasters in the airing of these programs, and assessing the impact of public policy on children’s access to

Free Air Time and Campaign Reform

“Free Air Time and Campaign Reform, a conference co-sponsored by the Annenberg Public Policy Center and Free TV for Straight Talk Coalition and funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts, gathered nearly 200 members of the press, scholars in communications and politics, campaign reform advocates, campaign practitioners, consultants and candidates.