Atika Khurana
Counseling Psychology and Human Services

Atika Khurana is Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Programs in Prevention Science at the Prevention Science Institute, University of Oregon. Her research interests include understanding and preventing adolescent risk behaviors, with a focus on families as mediators and moderators of risk. Her current research focuses on understanding the developmental associations between executive functions (e.g., working memory), self-regulation, and adolescent risk-taking behaviors. Her past work has examined multi-contextual risk and protective factors associated with adolescent sexual risk behaviors, substance abuse, delinquency, and academic disengagement. Dr. Khurana’s research has appeared in leading academic journals, including Developmental Psychology, Journal of Adolescent Health, Prevention Science, Psychology of Women Quarterly, Addictive Behaviors, and Addiction. Her statistical interests include latent variable and multi-level modeling, mediation and moderation analysis, missing data, and longitudinal data analysis.
Curriculum Vitae