Hang Lu
Science of Science Communication

Hang Lu received his Ph.D. in Communication from Cornell University. He received his M.A. in Communication from Marquette University and his B.A. in Journalism from Central South University, China. His primary research interest centers on environmental, science, health and risk communication. At the core, he investigates the psychological mechanisms underlying the effects of persuasive messages. He is particularly interested in the role of discrete emotions in influencing individuals' information processing, judgments, and decision making. Some of his recent research has looked at various risk-related issues, including climate change, obesity, infectious diseases, human-wildlife conflicts, genetically modified food, and human-induced earthquakes. He is currently the Gloria T. and Melvin J. “Jack” Chisum Postdoctoral Fellow in the Science of Science Communication Program in the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
Curriculum Vitae