Huma Rasheed

Huma Rasheed is the Arlin M. and Neysa Adams Postdoctoral Fellow in the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics (LAIC) of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Her civics-related work will employ a wide range of methodologies and analytical procedures, but her primary efforts will be focusing on natural language processing and machine learning in order to better understand how civics is being expressed in a variety of texts. Huma earned her Ph.D. in Communication from the University of Delaware, where she worked closely with Dr. Dannagal G. Young and served as a Research Fellow at the Center for Political Communication. Beyond academia, she has worked with leading international organizations, NGOs, and IGOs on initiatives focused on strengthening democracy, promoting girl-child education, and advancing health equity. Her applied experience shapes her research on addressing political and health disparities and developing communication-focused interventions to empower underserved communities.