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Attitudes on Bush’s Guard Service

For several months, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey has been asking respondents their view of George W. Bush’s Air National Guard Service. In polling conducted before CBS’ 60 Minutes reported this week that his commanding officer had written memos saying Bush sought avoid National Guard sessions and his commanding officer and had

Veterans Rate Bush Higher Than Kerry on Many Dimensions, but Kerry Gained After Convention

America’s military veterans, a distinctly Republican chunk of the electorate, think much more highly of George W. Bush than of John Kerry. But the Democratic convention improved veterans’ overall impression of Kerry, and about as many now view him favorably as think of him unfavorably, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Fifty-nine

Public Favors Stem Cell Research

The public strongly favors federal funding of stem-cell research, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey finds. From July 30 through August 5, 1,345 adults were asked “Do you favor or oppose Federal funding of research on diseases like Alzheimers using stem cells taken from human embryos?” Sixty-four percent said they favored such funding,

After Convention, Kerry Catches Up With Bush on Optimism, Gains on Values, Inspiration

After the Democratic National Convention, John Kerry gained on George W. Bush when independents compared them on optimism, inspiration, and sharing their values, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Polling of 1,646 registered voters conducted from July 30, the day after the convention, through August 5 showed that 42 percent of independents

“Fahrenheit 9/11” Viewers and Limbaugh Listeners About Equal in Size; Perceive Two Different Nations

Michael Moore’s movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, has attracted about as many people as Rush Limbaugh’s radio broadcasts, but the election-year film appears to have hardly changed any minds, the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey shows. Forty-one percent of the Moore movie goers said the picture made them think worse of George W. Bush. But