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Magdalena Wojcieszak (Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania's Annenberg School for Communication) is a Professor of Communication at the University of California, Davis, an Associate Researcher at the University of Warsaw, Poland (PI ERC Consolidator NEWSUSE), and an Affiliate Faculty in Computational Social Science and a Member of the Graduate Group in Computer Science at UC Davis. Previously, she directed ERC Starting Grant EXPO at the University of Amsterdam (2018-2023). Prof. Wojcieszak examines how people select (political) information online, the effects of digital media on extremity, polarization, and (mis)perceptions, and interventions to incentivize platform algorithms to promote quality and diverse political contents. She has (co-)authored ~90 articles (incl. Science, Nature, Science Advances, PNAS), is the Associate Editor of Political Communication, is part of the U.S. 2020 Facebook & Instagram Election Study, an independent partnership with Meta to study the impact of Facebook and Instagram on the U.S. 2020 elections, and is on the Misinformation Committee at the Social Science One. She has received awards for her teaching and research, including being elected the Fellow of the International Communication Association.

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