Robin Nabi
Professor, UC Santa Barbara

Robin Nabi is a professor of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara. She received her A.B. in Government from Harvard College and her M.A./Ph.D. from the Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania. Her research focuses on illuminating how message-evoked discrete emotions influence health and social issue decision-making. Her current research investigates the impact of emotional sequencing in persuasive messages, the emotional framing of health/science news, and the effects of media use on stress and well-being. She has served as a managing editor of Media Psychology, as associate editor of the Journal of Communication, and on the editorial board of numerous top communication journals. She is a past chair of the Mass Communication Division of the International Communication Association as well as the Communication and Social Cognition Division of the National Communication Association. She is a recipient of the McQuail Award for the best article advancing communication theory published in a peer-reviewed journal in 2014 and the 2018 Innovation in Theory Award from the Mass Communication Division of ICA. In 2017, she was inducted as a Fellow of the International Communication Association.
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