To better understand how local broadcast stations deal with third party ads and fact checking of political content in news and on line, 260 local broadcast television station managers and executives were surveyed from March 26 through June 8, 2012. The 260 included those responsible for stations under corporate ownership and locally owned stations. Because
Institutions of Democracy
High Percent of Presidential Ad Dollars of Top Four 501(c)(4)s Backed Ads Containing Deception, Annenberg Study Finds
An analysis by the Annenberg Public Policy Center conducted for the Center for Responsive Politics found that from December 1, 2011 through June 1, 2012, 85% of the dollars spent on presidential ads by four top-spending third-party groups known as 501(c)(4)s were spent on ads containing at least one claim ruled deceptive by fact-checkers at
Cronkite/Jackson Prize for Fact Checking Political Advertising Launched
A new award, the Cronkite/Jackson Prize, was announced at an event at the National Press Club Tuesday May 22 by Annenberg Public Policy Center Director Kathleen Hall Jamieson (Click here to view Jamieson’s announcement.) The Cronkite/Jackson award will honor the best local and best national broadcast or cable reporting on political ads. It will join
Two More Webbys for
Once again, has been awarded the Webby for best politics website by the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences. The announcement was made May 1. This makes a four-time winner of the prestigious Webby Award. The awards are recognized as the “Oscars of the Internet.” Read more (
APPC calculates dollars spent by four highest spending third party groups on deceptive TV ads attacking or supporting Republican presidential contenders
For Immediate Release Contact: Kathleen Hall Jamieson at or 215-898-9400 Drawing on spending estimates from Kantar Media CMAG and the fact checking of, the Annenberg Public Policy Center has created a dollars in deception measure (DDs) calculating dollars spent on televised presidential third party ads by the groups calling themselves “The Red White
Cable News Networks Increase Amount and Public Accessibility of Incivility, Annenberg Public Policy Center Study Finds
For Immediate Release March 27, 2012 Contact: Kathleen Hall Jamieson ( Jamieson is Director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, home of, a site whose “They said WHAT?” page flags extreme rhetoric of both the left and right and includes a video illustrating these findings. Background: When the
APPC’s Launches “Stand by Your Ad” to Fight Deception in Super PAC and Other Third Party Political Advertising
For Immediate Release: February 21, 2012 Contact: Kathleen Hall Jamieson, 215.898.9400 or Jamieson is director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. Penn’s Annenberg Public Policy Center’s Launches “Stand by Your Ad” to Fight Deception in Super PAC and Other Third Party Political Advertising TV and radio stations are