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Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics Receives Multiple Honors

Two films on the making of laws – How a Bill Becomes a Federal Law and Presidential Signing Statements ­– have received 2009 Bronze Telly Awards in the education category. The films were developed by the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics (LAIC), a multimedia civics education program administered by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, to

Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor discusses APPC research on The Daily Show

During a March 3, 2009 appearance on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, Justice Sandra Day O’Connor discussed her new civics education initiative, “Our Courts,” and highlighted Annenberg Public Policy Center research on civics knowledge in the American public. Specifically Justice O’Connor cited a national Annenberg survey indicating that only one-third of Americans can name

Annenberg Classroom Added to PennCORD’s Keystone Programs

The Pennsylvania Coalition for Representative Democracy (PennCORD), a coalition of state and national organizations committed to implementing civics education in classrooms and afterschool programs in every Pennsylvania community, has added Annenberg Classroom to its Keystone Program offerings of exceptional civics initiatives for Pennsylvania teachers. Lead partners in the PennCORD effort are the Office of the

On Message: Voter Persuasion in the 2008 Election

Representatives from the Republican National Committee, the Democratic National Committee and several liberal and conservative groups gathered at the Newseum on December 12 to discuss their efforts to influence voters in the 2008 election. Tens of millions of dollars were spent by the political parties and outside groups to try to convince voters to back

Annenberg Classroom Receives A+ from Education World

In its most recent website review, Education World bestowed upon Annenberg Classroom a grade of A+, calling it “a rich resource for teachers and students of civics and government” and applauding Annenberg Classroom’s content and design. Home to Sunnylands Classroom and the Leonore Annenberg Institute for Civics, Annenberg Classroom offers an array of multimedia classroom resources

American public still has much to learn about presidential candidates’ issue positions as campaign end draws near, Annenberg Survey shows

Many Americans are unable to identify where the major party candidates stand on various issues ranging from abortion to free trade to closing the base at which alleged enemy fighters are held at Guantanamo Bay, according to recent data collected by the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey (NAES). Only 30 percent of adults

C-SPAN to air APPC-sponsored focus group interview tonight

On Monday night at 8:00 pm and 11:00 pm EST, C-SPAN will air a voter focus group moderated by pollster Peter Hart and hosted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center. At the event, held on Sunday in Lake County, OH, a group of 12 persuadable voters discussed the candidates, the campaign and the issues facing the nation.

American public has much to learn about presidential candidates’ issue positions, National Annenberg Election Survey shows

Many Americans are unable to identify where the major party candidates’ stand on various issues ranging from health care to abortion to free trade, according to recent data collected by the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey. Only a little over a quarter (28 percent) of adults were able to identify Senator John McCain

Support for the presidential ticket and identification with party predicted convention speech viewing

The Democratic and Republican Convention’s speech audiences tended to be made up of supporters. Nearly two-thirds of those who saw or heard all of Senator Clinton’s speech and about three-fourths of those who saw or heard all of Senator Obama’s speech said they backed the Democratic nominee. Similarly, about six in ten of those who saw