Since 9/11, three major pieces of legislation have passed that regulate the manner in which the federal government will control “Homeland Security Information.” These laws require that state and local governments as well as certain private corporations and public utilities adopt new controls over information. There is a great deal of confusion among the media
Institutions of Democracy
Reporting on Terrorism: Recommendations for the Media
In July of 2002, with funding from The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The Annenberg Public Policy Center partnered with the National Association of Newspaper Editors and the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation to conduct a day-long closed-door discussion with editors and producers of national and local print, broadcast, and news about the complexities of
Legislative Issue Advertising in the 107th Congress
New Annenberg Research Tracks over $105 Million in Inside-the-Beltway Print and TV Issue Ads During the 107th Congress. The Side With Greater Spending Was More Likely To Prevail The report, Legislative Issue Advertising in the 107th Congress, found that of the 12 straightforward legislative issues examined, all but two had greater spending on the prevailing
On @ir Online
Covering Politics On-Air and Online stems from research that the Annenberg Public Policy Center conducted in partnership with the Radio and Television News Directors Foundation (RTNDF) and 10 local television stations in separate markets during the 2002 election season. The project was designed to explore how local broadcast news stations can best use the Internet
Women Fail to Crack the Glass Ceiling In Communication Companies
Men Still Hold Vast Majority of Board and Executive Positions within Entertainment, Telecommunication, Cable, Publishing and E- Companies Fewer than one in five board members of the largest communication companies are women, according to the second annual analysis of women in communication companies conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania.