Americans have less confidence in vaccines than they did just a year or two ago, and more people accept misinformation about vaccines and Covid-19, according to an APPC health survey.

Americans have less confidence in vaccines than they did just a year or two ago, and more people accept misinformation about vaccines and Covid-19, according to an APPC health survey.
There is wide variability in what the U.S. public knows about the seasonal flu and Covid-19, but some facts are much more strongly associated with an individual’s vaccination behavior, Annenberg surveys show.
People are more apt to recommend vaccination against RSV to a pregnant family member or friend, to protect the infant, if shown a chart of the FDA's rigorous approval process.
There are substantial gaps in knowledge about maternal health, according to new survey data. In addition, few people know that 988 is the new Suicide and Crisis Lifeline.
RSV is a serious health threat, but a new survey from the Annenberg Public Policy Center finds that the public is ill-informed about it and unfamiliar with some common symptoms.
The policy center's spring 2023 ASAPH report finds that women of childbearing age are more likely than other adults to doubt the safety of vaccination against Covid-19 and flu during pregnancy.
An Annenberg Science Knowledge survey of over 1,600 U.S. adults finds that many have a base of knowledge about the flu, but misinformation about flu, Covid-19, and vaccination persists.
The latest Annenberg Science Knowledge (ASK) national panel survey examines public knowledge and beliefs about the poliovirus, the bivalent Covid-19 vaccine booster, monkeypox, and other matters of public health.
APPC is launching a science and health knowledge monitor comprising quarterly survey reports to track national levels of health knowledge and misinformation over time.
A survey shows public knowledge about monkeypox has increased rapidly in recent weeks, though misconceptions and uncertainty persist.