Postdoctoral fellow Matt Motta was honored with the Elsevier Atlas award for an article on overconfidence due to ignorance and anti-vaccine attitudes.
Science of Science Communication
Science Media Monitor – Report 2
In recent years, the “all-consuming news story in biology” has been the discovery of gene-editing technology CRISPR/Cas9. This report analyzes how news stories presented its ethics, benefits and risks.
Science Media Monitor Aims to Improve Public Understanding of Science
APPC has launched the Annenberg Science Media Monitor to analyze the content of news reporting on science. The first report focuses on coverage of scientific discovery.
Science Media Monitor – Report 1
In order to increase public understanding of the scientific process by improving science reporting in news, the Annenberg Science Media Monitor analyzes the news coverage of widely reported scientific findings and disseminates its findings to science journalists.
Alarm and Response for Emerging Health Threats: Social Media, News and Zika
Social and news media have different associations with risk perceptions and preventive behavior in an emerging health threat such as Zika, according to new research.
APPC Joined by Seven Postdoctoral Fellows in the Science of Science Communication
APPC has welcomed seven new postdoctoral fellows in the Science of Science Communication. They bring expertise in communication, media, political science, and psychology, among other fields.
Floridians Took Zika Virus More Seriously Than Rest of U.S., But Most Did Nothing
Threatened by the mosquito-borne Zika virus in 2016, Florida residents were much more likely than non-Floridians to report taking protective measures. Even so, fewer than half of Floridians said they actually did so.